Love Your Symphony Dinners

Local Council Bluffs Guild of the Omaha Symphony supporters graciously open up their homes to entertain guests with an unforgettable dining experience. Menus and themes differ by home so each dinner is special and unique. Meet new people or gather a group of friends. It may be the best dinner party you have ever attended and, best of all, it’s for a good cause! Seating is limited so don’t delay. Your specific guest host assignments will be provided via email in advance of the dinners. Proceeds benefit youth music education in southwest Iowa.
Event Details
When: Saturday, March 8, 2024 in the evening
Where: Several gracious hosts have offered their homes to lavishly entertain guests; your host assignment details will be sent in advance of the event.
Tickets: $150 per guest for dinner and drinks. Limited seats available.
Kindly reply by February 21.
Due to limited space remaining, please reach out to Nikki Tiarks with questions about tickets.
phone: 402.960.4123